Thursday, July 2, 2009

Vélib' in Paris

Means Vélo Liberté (bicycle liberty)

1. Cut 40% cars by 2020
2. Take away car space for other means of transportation

The System:
1. Affordable (1 EUR/day or 29 EUR/year subscription fee)
2. First 30 mins free (to encourage short trips)
3. 20,000 bikes, 1,400 bikes stations, 50,000-100,000 riders/day
4. Accessible. Riders always less than 300 yards from a station
5. Stations near other transporation hubs
6. Operates 24/7

1. Divided Paris into blocks of 400SM
2. Analyzed population, job density, businesses and potential demands
3. Initial success would be critical to succeed in the future

Advertising Agency JC Decaux provides bikes, infrastructure and maintenance for 10 years. In return, it gets advertising board locations from the city.

1. Bike locations and maintenance tracked by central computer
2. Trucks redistribute bikes to replenish stations
3. A barge as floating repair shop on the Seine, with bike storage along the river bank for bike pick-ups and drop-offs.
4. Additional 15 mins free if bikes are dropped off at rare locations e.g. hill tops, and 15 mins free extra if a station doesn't have a bike, and a screen shows available bikes in the next station

1. Vandalism
2. Rider number drops when rains
3. Stolen bikes

Social Benefits:
1. Parisians socialize around stations. Stations are #1 pick-up point for singles
2. Biking became fashionable, and bike ownership increased 50%
3. Streets are accessible to everyone. Flourish activities such as Friday night rollerblading

Autolib'. An electric car sharing program in operation by the end of 2009

1. The webcast of "Paris: Vélo Liberté" at

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